Wild Stone Sense
December 3 was World Disability Day. It’s the day we try to think of wheelchair ramps, large fonts and the like. But sometimes, it’s about seeing things differently. Our clients Wild Stone certainly did. They make grooming products that smell great. But this time, they decided to make a perfume for the non-sighted.
Our pack uses a twist to force empathy in a bold and flagrant way: it levels the playing field between you and the non-sighted.
We were trying to achieve a colour spectrum with patterns in relief, that could be sensed as different colours by visually impaired.

We thought that we could come up with something which would enable everyone to share the same joy that visually impaired would celebrate with their sight.

We were trying to explore designs which could be absorbed by both the worlds with similar impact. Using different materials or printing technique was also an important aspect of this project.

Deciding colours to black ratio to translate the idea right and increase shelf attendance.