The CG Annual Report is done and is with shareholders.

For 14 years, Crompton Greaves Annual Reports have been designed by ICD. We’ve seen the company through several phases, through turnarounds, slumps, high flying ambitions and the eventual return to earth. 

Including the latest, with control passing into new hands. CG is a formidable company, and in the right hands, will re-emerge as a leader in several areas in the electrical industry.

That’s the theme of this year’s Report.

In the first image, emerging from behind a mechanical curtain. Shaking off its troubles?

A wireframe construction of the image that would finally be chosen as the cover. Is this a space-time warp? Designers are mysterious people. 

Covers All six covers we worked on, on the theme of re-emergence. Sometimes re-emerging slowly, in a swell, sometimes in a blinding flash. Sometimes, the ebb and flow of electrical current becomes a leaf, the green shoots of new growth, peaceful and promising. Of course, we don’t know the future!

Chapter openings Working on chapter numbers, taking the theme forward. Oftentimes, we have to work on these before we know which cover has been chosen by the client. This choice can be surprisingly deliberative, despite the enthusiastic reaction during the presentation.

Spreads Likewise, the spreads. It’s a balancing act. This is at the start of a long ‘post-design’ process where the final pages undergo several sweeping changes of copy, like blood transfusions; or whole chapters may appear and others may perish. It’s God vs Man.

But Man wins in the end.