Cut and play
Back to school days with a stack of magazines, waste papers, and no brief. We took a break from our regular work and decided to try our hands at some good old collage making. One of our team members, Pradhyumn Kag who makes 10-minute collages every day. This rapid collage making hobby of his has led to a range of graphic posters revealing clever observations on news, pop culture, and the grand show of Indian politics. Some of these have made it out of his notebooks and can be seen on his instagram page.

The session led by Pradhyumn began with much enthusiasm as we all came armed with scissors and glue sticks and a stack of magazines and newspapers. We began with simple instructions to follow in 15-minute widows. First, cut out and collect what you like, then arrange makeshift compositions from your pool, and finally, start pasting on the base.

What finally emerged from the rummage were some surprisingly concrete, albeit off-the-wall images. The collage session was an opportunity to create freely refresh our minds. We also had fun deciphering what goes on in each other’s minds going through the final collages. Take a look and comment on what you think of them. At the end of it you might even start your own collage-making routine.