The product is an enterprise learning management system that enables large organizations to deliver tailored learning experiences to their employees.
It wished to go further and create an environment of constant learning for the fast-paced corporate world, where upskilling is a continuous need for everyone – from the new hire to the CXO. The user gets courses in the form of easily digestible chunks, delivered to them at their time and convenience to form habits (healthy ones). Well defined KPIs help managers keep tabs on their team’s progress.
We were approached to design and develop an application to bring this idea to life.
An app that motivates and hooks the learner. One that doesn’t scare them away with hours of lectures and long required readings. Study hours are a finite resource for an agile executive and long winded courses will drive them away (we have all been there).
We realised that for learning to become a habit, it had to come in a snackable, bite sized form. (Now you know why grabbing a ‘bite’ is so addicting).
A clever manager takes charge and defines their team’s learning goals. Performance metrics can help them track progress and assign new goals. Underperformers can receive help from their managers.
Usual answers to corporate learning requirements are one-size fits all platforms, unmindful of the individual learner – their schedule and time constraints aren’t paid attention to. This leads to high course attrition rates, defeating the purpose of the effort. If the app could break down courses into 15-30 min sessions, this bottleneck could be overcome and make everyday learning as short and anticipated as a cool off break.
UX Design
We took a mobile-first approach to make the daily learning ritual effortless– the learner just has to pull out their phone to start learning. The painless sign-up poses empathetic questions to the learners about their daily time investment, suitable learning time of the day and integrates short, daily sessions into their schedule. Here, the ownership is transferred to the learner. They feel understood, motivated – their time is appreciated.
The app lets the manager set, direct and help their team achieve their learning goals. KPIs like learning hours, assessment scores help them drill down and analyse their team in detail, from different perspectives. Comparative analysis helps them weigh learner performance vis a vis others. Lazy underperformers are nudged to keep up with their peers.
UI Design
A default dark mode for the app – it came with its own set of design challenges but made learning attractive. Accessibility and readability had to be factored in. Saying more with less text to prevent eye fatigue. The dark mode also limits the range of colours available, colors had to be perfectly calibrated for the best readability experience. Bright notifications popped up to grab the user’s attention. A white mode was provided for users seeking a light interface.
The Learner’s Section
The learner’s section was designed to be as less intrusive as possible in the learning process. The learner will find his daily tasks on his home screen and can begin instantly. The goals section lists assigned targets (both achieved and ongoing), a progress metric. The assess section is where the learner reviews and provides feedback on other learners, encouraging engagement, a healthy classroom prerequisite. The Leaderboard section introduces healthy competition among the learners, encouraging them to keep up with their peers. All of this happens in a short time-frame, decided by the learner.
Manager’s Desk
The report’s section fronts as the homepage for the manager. Their team’s performance details are in front of them, always. The ‘Assess’ section enables managers to review their team’s output. ‘My Team’ and ‘Compare’ sections enable them to drill down to find and take action for slow performing teams/individuals.
Everyone, from the c-suite executive to the new account manager is a learner. Many managers are themselves learners. All they need to do is switch roles and the app will change its avatar from managers desk to the learner’s section.
The app saw improvements in learner engagement, time spent on the app and lower mid-course drop-out rates. The app is a novel intervention for the corporate upskilling problem, overcoming learning challenges with empathetic design principles.
an app to make learning and development enjoyable and addictive
A new age learning management app for the corporate world. The app makes constant learning easy and enjoyable for professionals. Motivating them to learn at their own pace through less intrusive and short, snackable lessons —making L&D rewarding and addictive. Managers can keep track and nudge trainees to do well.

Empathetic design—transfering initiative and ownership to the learner
The understanding onboarding process lets the learner define their own learning goals, choose their duration and time of the day. Letting them decide what works for them makes them feel empowered and understood— both powerful motivations to follow through with commitments.

Simple and clean design to focus on what matters most
The learner’s section was designed to be as less intrusive as possible in the learning process. All a learner needs to start learning can be found on the landing page. Making learning as simple as pulling out your phone to scroll your favourite social app.
Performance data presented attractively to inform and motivate
The goals, assess, leaderboard and profile section—all serve to inform and aid the learner’s journey. They can see their goals and take tests. The leaderboard introduces elements of competition—a proven motivator. Notifications are highlighted with bright colours to stand out against a dark backdrop—catching the user’s attention.

Thoughtful metrics call attention to themselves; keeping track is made easy
The report’s section fronts as the homepage for the manager. Their team’s performance details are in front of them, giving them a bird’s eye view at all times. Performance metrics help them track the team’s progress. Lazy underperformers are nudged to keep up with their peers.
Partner-in-charge and UX/UI Director Lisa Rath | UX/UI Concept & Development Sreeja Chatterjee, Mohammad Zerik, Rajat Bhandari | Project duration 6 months