The Indian summer has long been linked with traditional remedies for the heat: ‘sharbat’ concentrates in traditional flavours. Haldiram’s, already a big name in the market, needed to penetrate a wider class of consumers.
We hypothesised the more modern minded consumers who miss these flavours but may not connect the imagery of the category, which tends to be dominated by local favourites. To reach them, the category needed new imagery.
The watercolour theme ‘westernises’ the pack in a manner that is relatable. It evokes the powerful sensory cue of wetness, experienced as the drink slides down a parched throat. The stripes recall travelling ice cream carts, and the rich colours literally trickle down the cool, white paper surface. These, with the lettering create memory assets that shoppers can identify with. Ingredient, ice and straw propping completes the picture. The illustration runs seamlessly around the pack, achieving a billboarding effect when packs of one variant are placed in a block, with different facing sides.
The tetra packs were ready to drink therefore the design was further evolved to make them stand out as new products using the same visual mnemonics as the large bottles.
the perfect thirst quenchers
The Indian summer has long been linked with traditional remedies for the heat: ‘sharbat’ concentrates in traditional flavours.

water & ice makes everything cool
The watercolour theme evokes the sensory cue of wetness, the stripes and rich hues recall the ice cream carts that literally trickle down the cool

add ice, water and enjoy! or just open and drink!
The illustration runs seamlessly around the pack, achieving a billboarding effect when packs of one variant are placed in a block, with different facing sides. The tetra packs of 200 ml pre-made thandai and raw mango panna was a great competition to synthetic fruit juices in the market.
partner-in-charge & creative director lisa rath | illustrator pavan buragohain | design development & production geetika arya