Indian Metals and Ferro Alloys is a leading producer of chromite, a processed form of chromium ore that’s a key ingredient of stainless steel. We were approached to give it a new identity, which no longer described the company to the promoters’ satisfaction.
We set about discovering the company’s conception of its image, its vision and its culture, the three legs of a corporate brand. Through a series of workshops we led it to articulate its personality and changed mood. The company sensed it was in the second chapter of its envisioned growth story—building a group of power, mining and even stainless steel industries.
Brand idea
The company’s mood was one of calibrated confidence. The next leg of its journey would demand a new management culture, focused more on opportunity than the besetting threats of early years. It would depend more on processes than on the personality-led command structures, and reward enterprise over seniority. We also appreciated the different subcultures that operated in its power generating, mining and ferroalloys wings. A synthesis of these thoughts led to the idea of “ambition powered by diligence.”
The name was shortened to IMFA for most public purposes. The new identity frees IMFA from chromite and readies it to take on new roles, while remaining in the ambit of heavy industry. It projects the idea of planned growth in sure steps while recalling its roots in mining. A sense of spreading influence and confidence is also apparent.
a mining company approaches its second chapter of life
IMFA is a leading producer of chromite, a key ingredient of stainless steel. The company entered its second chapter of envisioned growth—building a group of power, mining and stainless steel industries, and needed to be represented with a new identity.

a new idea for a new mood, and a new management culture
The mood was one of calibrated confidence, in a new management culture, focusing on opportunity as opposed to the besetting threats, processes instead of personality-led command structures, and reward enterprise over seniority. A synthesis of these thoughts led to the idea of “ambition powered by diligence”.

new identity frees imfa for its extended role
The new identity frees IMFA from chromite and readies it to take on new roles, while remaining in the ambit of heavy industry. Projecting the idea of planned growth, while recalling its roots in mining. A sense of spreading influence and confidence is also apparent.

Principal & Creative Director Itu Chaudhuri | Art Director Richa Bhargava | Design Concept Richa Bhargava | Design Development Richa Bhargava, Anoushka Garg, Tenzin Yeshi | Production Anoushka Garg | Alternate Design Concepts Anoushka Garg | Project duration 6 months