Yaarbal is an independent publishing house, promoting subjects that the mainstream publishers would not. In Kashmiri, a yaarbal is a riverbank where women meet to talk; in Hindi, it can be read as ‘strength from friends’. It functions on a keep afloat basis, without permanent expenses. Our task was to design a versatile mark, to serve as an imprint for books and events.
Readers seek experiences that free them from the safe, sanitised, mainstream: kinds of arts or politics, that society marginalises. Yet these readers often also subscribe to society’s power structures. Yaarbal can resolve this contradiction by being a responsible yet unafraid guide to these spaces.
A slingshot (or catapult), integrated with a Y. It represents Yaarbal’s mission to swim against the tides of commerce, conformity and power. The slingshot is resourceful and resolute. A toy and a weapon at once, the slingshot has a popular, even cheeky touch, giving Yaarbal the voice of a citizen, speaking for every man. Finally, the bold, solid Y provides the countervailing stability to the project.
Yaarbal identity was an in-book winner at Kyoorius Design Awards 2017 under logo design category.
an identity for an independent publishing house
Yaarbal is an independent publishing house, promoting subjects that the mainstream publishers would not. In Kashmiri, a yaarbal is a riverbank where men and women meet to talk. In Hindi, it can be read as ‘strength from friends’. Our task was to design a versatile mark, to serve as an imprint for books and events.

resolving contradiction, responsible, yet unafraid
Readers seek experiences that free them from the safe, sanitised, mainstream: kinds of art or politics, that society marginalises. Yet these readers often also subscribe to society’s power structures. Yaarbal can resolve this contradiction by being a responsible yet unafraid guide to these spaces.

a slingshot (or catapult), integrated with a Y
The logo represents Yaarbal’s mission to swim against the tides of commerce, conformity and power. A toy and a weapon at once, the slingshot has a popular, even cheeky touch, giving Yaarbal the voice of a citizen, speaking for every man. Yaarbal identity was an in-book winner at Kyoorius Design Awards 2017.