PeopleStrong provides outsourced HR administration solutions to large corporations, managing the entire suite of everyday HR functions across the employee life cycle. Its product Alt Recruit, recruitment ERP, productises the recruitment processes, and is a first step towards a complete SaaS product (Software as a Service).
But, the existing product design housed complicated workflows for its target users, recruiters, process leads and hiring managers, and resulted in a high adoption time for new users. The redesign was intended to simplify the product experience, ease the complex hiring processes and quickly address the distinct goals of its individual users with an app-like simplicity.
In-depth understanding of the product processes, breaking down each workflow to form user journeys and marking inputs and outcomes of each interaction. The existing product screens carried an overloaded of information without resulting in an action. Increased visual and cognitive fatigue led to further dissatisfaction.
A real-time feed of recruiters occupies the vertical bar on the right, tracking the recruitment process for managers and supervisors. A task manager on this panel allows recruiters to monitor their tasks closely, while gamification motivates task closure by climbing up the ladder of virtual rankings. And, managers could share appreciation with their team members on the program itself. The interactive dashboard plots all the collected HR data visually and highlights progress and obstacles for an informed, safe and easy decision-making.
User Experience
We created a task driven product experience that provides a unidirectional “railroad” navigation to complete a task. Restricting free movement and offering only what is required to move ahead in the recruitment process. We moved away from using tables for views, which could potentially hide information in scrolls, and introduced a card-structure that aided glanceability (snackable information), allowed responsive-ness of the experiences (getting stacked in different devices) and had a modular structure (added or subtracted based on user roles). Multiple cards showed overall health of the recruitment operation, while individual cards shows statuses of jobs/candidates, with a detailed view option. And, card flips reveal pending actions.
User Interface
The colours were an extension of the PeopleStrong visual palette. The cards were colour coded for easy scanning to know the state of the process. Carrying sentiment colours (red, green, yellow) to convey the state of the process: a green job card means an on-going job while a red candidate card meant rejection). And typeface decision were made after extensive testing of screen views on multiple devices, across resolutions.
product design for a recruitment software, an app for talent
PeopleStrong’s Alt Recruit productised the recruitment processes, and is a first step towards a complete SaaS product. But, original product design housed complicated workflows and resulted in a high adoption time for new users. The redesign aimed to ease the product experience, with an app-like simplicity.

a task driven workflow for a unidirectional navigation
A real-time feed of recruiters to track the recruitment process for managers and supervisors. A task manager allows recruiters to monitor their tasks closely. And interactive dashboard plots all HR data visually, highlighting progress and obstacles for an informed, safe and easy decision-making.
a card structure for modularity, glanceability, and responsiveness
Snackable information to easy reference, a seamless experience across all devices, and easy addition and subtraction based on user roles. Multiple cards showed overall health of the recruitment operation, individual cards show statuses. And, card flips reveal pending actions. Also, colour-coded for status: red, green and yellow.
Partner-in-charge UI/UX Director Lisa Rath | Tech Lead Vikrant Gupta | UX Concept Kshitj Tembe | UX Development Kshitij Tembe, Jasvinder Singh | UI Concept & Development Avi Agarwal | External Development & Maintenance PeopleStrong | Project Duration 10 months