The Versavo website exists to provide clear, easily accessible information on the role this drug plays in the treatment of seven types of cancer. It supports the marketing effort by providing exposure to the brand name and providing further visual touchpoints to aid recall.
Due to the restrictions on promotion and advertising of prescription medicines, we opted to utilise the website to reinforce Versavo’s identity in order to create additional points of recall for not only Versavo’s core audience (oncologists, patients and caregivers) but also beyond (sales reps and general public). By using the logo and the allied graphics that extend it to create memory hooks that tell the Versavo story in memorable images.
Information flows. The website is completely partitioned into two: a section for patients and another for medical practitioners. The partition for patients and caregivers has generic information about the seven types of cancer treatable by the drug. The second, for medical practitioners, presents the oncological offering. Due to the site being content heavy, we brought the FAQ section upfront to make it easier for the readers to get clear answers in the quickest way possible.
Visual Design
The design stems from Versavo’s identity design, maximising the use of its distinctive visual assets or brand codes. These include its colour palette, a spectral gradient and typefaces. But most crucially, the graphics that illustrate the drug’s mechanism of action.
A calm and professional blue palette inspires confidence in the competence of the drug. It is supplemented by internationally recognised colours for individual cancers on their specific pages.
As opposed to other similar websites the Versavo website eschews photographs. Instead, graphics repeatedly drive home the idea of stopping blood vessels from forming—which is how the drug works. For each cancer, the relevant body part is memorably co-opted into the visual story. The spectral arc appears to ‘block’ the vascularisation. These graphics use and extend the visual language of the logo. Animations bring them to life. Thus logo, extended identity, website all become part of the same story, easily reinforced and recalled.
V for Versavo, a versatile arc treating seven cancers
Versavo, by Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited (DRL) is a biosimilar product of the oncological innovation Bevacizumab. Dr. Reddy’s tasked us to create the branding identity and website of Versavo.

a visual story on the drug’s mechanism of action and the seven cancers
The design stems from Versavo’s identity design, maximising the use of its distinctive visual assets or brand codes. For each cancer, the relevant body part is memorably co-opted into the visual story, and animations bring them to life. The logo, extended identity, website all become part of the same story, easily reinforced and recalled.

site navigation partitioned into two for its distinct sets of audience
The section for patients and caregivers carries generic information about the seven types of cancer and the practitioners’ section presents the oncological offering. Due to the site being content heavy, we brought the FAQ section upfront to make it easier for the readers to get clear answers in the quickest way possible

Partner-in-charge Lisa Rath | UX UI Director Lisa Rath | Tech Lead Vikrant Gupta | UX Concept Ashok Dey, Sonal Singh, Lisa Rath | UI Concept Sonal Singh, Ashok Dey | UX UI Development Ashok Dey | Developer Pawan Kumar | Project duration 4 months